The problem of estimation the maximum possible magnitude of regional earthquakes Mmax is examined. Statistical and paleoseismological approaches to this problem are combined. Within the framework of the statistical approach, the method of statistical moments, the Bayes method, the method based on the theory of extreme values (EVT) are examined and compared.
More“Approaches to Solving the Maximum Possible Earthquake Magnitude (Mmax) Problem”A TEMPERATURE PROBLEM FOR A SQUARE: AN EXACT SOLUTION
Determining the thermal stresses in elastic plates is a necessary component in strength calculations of elements of thin-walled structures, for example, the skin of aircraft and rockets in aerodynamic heating conditions.
Knowledge of the magnitude and nature of the action of thermal stresses is necessary for a comprehensive analysis of the strength of the structure. Thermal stresses in themselves and in combination with mechanical stresses from external forces can cause cracks and destruction of structures made of materials with increased fragility.
More“A TEMPERATURE PROBLEM FOR A SQUARE: AN EXACT SOLUTION”Evolution of stress fields during the supercontinent cycle
In this paper, we investigated model of thermochemical convection with the non-Newtonian rheology in the presence of floating deformable continents. In the course of the simulation, the supercontinent cycle is implemented several times.
More“Evolution of stress fields during the supercontinent cycle”Local tsunamigenic sources in Greece, identified by pattern recognition
This study is an attempt to determine potential tsunamigenic morphostructural nodes in mainland Greece using pattern recognition algorithms. The earthquakes that have produced local tsunamis in the region were confined to morphostructural nodes whose locations were found by morphostructural zoning.
More“Local tsunamigenic sources in Greece, identified by pattern recognition”BORIS GRIGORYEVICH BUKCHIN PASSED AWAY
We are deeply saddened to announce that on April 15, 2022, Boris Grigoryevich Bukchin passed away.
He was a famous seismologist, a wonderful, kind, intimate person.
>>>The Variability of Earthquake Parameters with the Depth: Evidences of Difference of Mechanisms of Generation of the Shallow, Intermediate-Depth, and the Deep Earthquakes
At the high pressures and temperatures typical of the Earth’s interior, the brittle failure in accordance with the generally accepted Reid elastic rebound model cannot occur at depths greater than a few dozen kilometers. Nevertheless, earthquakes do occur at depths to about 700 km depth and some more.
Identifying Potential Earthquake Sources in Continental Environments
In this paper, we outline the overview of the problem of intraplate seismicity and summarize our studies aimed at identifying potential earthquake sources in three regions located in the continental environments. We study the French Massif Central located within the West-European platform, the Gujarat area situated at the northwestern edge of the Indian shield, and northeast Egypt located in the northeastern corner of the African continent.
More“Identifying Potential Earthquake Sources in Continental Environments”