According to the USGS/NEIC on-line Earthquake Search in the second half of 2009 the following earthquakes appear to be from M8.0+ and M7.5+ ranges — |
Date and Time |
Lat |
Lon |
Depth |
Magnitudes (mb, MS) |
Prediction |
2010/02/27 06:34 |
-36.122 |
-72.898 |
22 |
7.2 |
8.5 |
2010/04/06 22:15 |
2.384 |
97.046 |
31 |
7.0 |
7.9 |
M8 only |
2010/06/12 19:26 |
7.848 |
91.919 |
35 |
7.0 |
7.5 |
M8 only |
According to «The 2010a Update of the M8-MSc predictions» (sent on February 12, 2010):
(i) The 27 February 2010 mega-earthquake OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE ruptured the 600-km portion of the South American subduction zone inside a cluster of TIPs (i.e., CIs ## 162-165), which was recognized as capable of producing a magnitude M8.0+ event before mid-2012. The earthquake epicenter missed the reduced area of alarm diagnosed in the second approximation by algorithm MSc (this failure of the MSc algorithm is somewhat natural, taking into account the linear extent of the event, which is about a half of the area alerted in the first approximation by the M8 algorithm).
The 27 February 2010 main shock and most of its first aftershocks fall inside a cluster of the M8 algorithm TIPs aimed at M7.5+ events as well (i.e., CIs ## 139-141 and 143).
(ii-iii) The 06 April 2010 Ms 7.9 NORTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA and the 12 June 2010 Ms 7.5 NICOBAR ISLANDS, INDIA earthquakes both confirmed the M8 predictions for M7.5+ in Sumatra-Andaman region, i.e. a cluster of TIPs in CIs ## 29-33. The 06 April 2010 epicenter hit its southern part (CIs ## 31-33), while the one of 12 June 2010 — its northern part (CIs ## 29-30).